Dear Alumnus: The School of Chemistry is keen to develop an Alumni Database so as to initiate their active interaction with and involvement in the School activities. Please send your details in the format of the Registration Form to so that we can make a beginning in this regard. Looking forward to hearing from you at the earliest.
10 Feb, 25: Prof. Samar K. Das has been awarded Silver Medal (2025) by the Chemical Reseach Society of India (CRSI). Hearty congratulations to Prof. Das.
05 Feb, 25: ChemFest-2025 will be held during 14-15 February,2025 at the DST Auditorium, UoH.
Download the programme schedule of ChemFest-2025
24 Feb, 25: Seminar talk by Prof. Jerome Lacour, University of Geneva, Switzerland will be held on 24 February, 2025 at 11:30 a.m. in the Seminar Hall.
Title: Chiral Trityls as Versatile Reactivity
and Property Platforms
28 Feb, 25: Ph. D. viva-voce exam of Mr. Ithu Sanyasirao (Regd. Id: 18CHPH34) will be held on 28 February, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. in the Conference hall, School of Chemistry.
Title of the thesis: Calcium catalyzed approach towards constructing furofurans and other fused furans