Professor Telephone # 91-40-23134812(O)
School of Chemistry Mobile # 9949093977
University of Hyderabad E-mail: basavaiahdchem@uohyd.ac.in
Hyderabad-500 046 basavaiahdeevi@gmail.com
Date of birth : August 11, 1950 Nationality :Indian
- Postdoctoral Fellow (August 1980 – November 1983) at Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, West Lafayette USA (with Professor Herbert C. Brown, 1979 Nobel laureate in chemistry)
- PhD (1979) in Organic Chemistry, Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi-221 005 (India) (Research Supervisor : Professor Gurbakhsh Singh)
- MSc (1972) in Chemistry (Organic Chemistry) Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi-221 005 (India)
- BSc (1970) with Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics (Andhra Loyola College, Vijayawada) Andhra University
Professional details
- Scientist C : National Chemical Laboratory, Pune : January 1984-June 1984
- Lecturer : School of Chemistry, University of Hyderabad : June 1984-February 1987
- Reader : School of Chemistry, University of Hyderabad : February 1987-August 1996
- Professor : School of Chemistry, University of Hyderabad : August 1996-present
Awards and Honors:
- Appointed as Honorary Professor at Chemistry Department, BHU, Varanasi for a period of three years i.e Jan. 2014-Dec. 2016.
- Awarded BHU Distinguished Alumnus Award - 2012
- INSA- Professor T. R. Seshadri 70th Birthday Commemoration Medal-2009
- The Indian Science Congress Platinum Jubilee lecture award in Chemical Sciences - 2009
- National Best Teacher award in Chemistry 2008 (sponsored by A.V. Rama Rao Research Foundation in association with IICT and AP Academy of Sciences)
- J. C. Bose Fellowship (DST-New Delhi) -2008
- CRSI Silver Medal-2008
- Elected Fellow of the Indian National Science Academy (FNA)- 2006
- CRSI Bronze Medal- 2000
- Professor T. R. Govindachari 60th Birthday Commemoration Endowment Award in Organic Chemistry 1999-2000
- Elected Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences (FASc) Bangalore -1997
- First Rank in M. Sc. Chemistry, Awarded B. H. U. Gold Medal- 1972
- Awarded A. P. National Scholarship on the Merit of B. Sc. Marks- 1970
Main Field of Research Interests: Organic Chemistry
1). The Baylis-Hillman Reaction 2). Chiral Catalysis
Total Publications :153; Ph.D.s guided : 38; Number of Ph.D. students working : 3
Citation Profile (from University of Hyderabad): Source: SCOPUS as on December 26, 2017
H-index: 40, Total Citations: 7079 for 126 papers (from the University of Hyderabad) Average citations per paper: 56.18