CY404 Notes - Symmetry


Molecular properties are often related to molecular symmetry. Group theory provides a precise language for discussing symmetry properties. This part of CY404 is designed to help you understand the symmetry classification of molecules and the development and use of group theoretical tables.



Web-page links:


* Octahedron inside a cube

* Tetrahedron inside a cube

* Distortions of the tetrahedron and octahedron

* chirality - asymmetry and dissymmetry


* platonic solids


* molecular symmetry - find the point group and see tables and drawings - Jonathan Goss' page


* symmetry gallery - Otterbien project


* symmetry in organic chemistry - Stefan Immel's page


* proof of the great orthogonality theorem


* symmetry properties of molecular orbitals




NOTE : some links may be only "coming attractions" or may be sleeping!