Instructons to run ESRP.EXE, and ESREG.EXE The EPR simulation program PSPM.FOR creates an output file contining X,Y values of the simulated spectrum. The two programs ESRP.EXE and ESREG.EXE allow one to plot this spectrum. The source codes of these programs are ESRP.BAS and ESREG.BAS Both the programs are interactive. They also allow one to superpose the simulated spectrum on the experimental spectrum. ESREG.BAS allows one to compare several spectra on a single screen. The experimental spectrum should be stored in digital form in a file. The first line in this file should contain three numbers, viz., the number of points(NPX), the lower limit for the y-axis(YEL) and the upper limit for y-axis(YEH). YEL and YEH should be in the same units as the y-values in the experimental spectrum. The following lines should contain x (field in Gauss) and y-value for each point. There will be NPX such lines. -------------------------------------------------------------- ESRP.EXE : To run this program enter ESRP Respond as follows for the queries: DRIVE#:FILE give the name of the file containing the simulated spectrum. For eg. if it is the file TESTAX and if it is in drive a: the response will be A:TESTAX SUPERPOSE EXPTL. SPECTRA(1) OR NOT(2)? Give 1 to superpose or 2 if only the simulated spectrum is to be plotted DRIVE#:FILE this question will be asked only if your response to the previous question is 1. give the name of the file containing the experimental spectrum. PHASE -1 or +1. give -1 or 1. this only affects the phase of the simulated spetrum. X-LENGTH AND Y-LENGTH IN CM. give the required values for the plot (eg. 20, 10 for a 20 cm. x 10 cm. plot). SEND TO PLOTTER (P) OR TO FILE (F) ? give P if plotter is to be used - plotter should be connected and ready ! any other response will send the plotter commands to a file named ESR.HP A note on printing : It may be possible to open the esr.hp file as a picture using word processing programs and then print the picture. It may be necessary to rename the file as esr.PLT or esr.HGL. We use the insert picture mode in MS-WORD and choose the HP Graphics Language (HGL) option. WORD2 is the simplest to use. WORD6 also works, but later versions of WORD (eg. MS-office 97) does not seem to allow the HGL option. -------------------------------------------------------------- ESREG.EXE : To run this program enter ESREG. This program can be operated with function keys. There is also an HELP key. KEY 8, if pressed will plot spectra in small windows, so that 6 spectra can be plotted one after the other in the same screen. There is no possibility of printing from this program other than via the Print Screen option (if it works!). -------------------------------------------------------------- NOTE : THE PROGRAMS ARE TESTED IN A LIMITED ENVIRONMENT ONLY. KINDLY REPORT PROBLEMS OR ERRORS DETECTED TO M. V. Rajasekharan School of Chemistry, University of Hyderabad HYDERABAD - 500 046. (