CY407 Mons.'13 Assignment 3 - due on 30-10-13.
General Instructions:
Summissions must be handwritten on A4 size papers stapled together with only your
name and roll number on the first page. Do not bind and do not submit
in folders.
Problem: Solve the following set of simultaneous equations using the INVERSE routine available on your course site: Your report should contain the computer program (MAIN program only, you need not copy the INVERSE subroutine!) and the three solutions.
Programs should conform to FORTRAN-77 standard.
Write neatly (capital letters for statements) using a coding sheet similar to the one here -you may print this or make one yourself!
10x1  +  7x2 + 
8x3  +  7x4  =  31.9
  7x1  +  5x2 + 
6x3  +  5x4  =  23.1
8x1  +  6x2 + 
10x3  +  9x4  =  32.9
7x1  +  5x2 + 
9x3  +  10x4  =  31.1
Obtain two more solutions when the constant vector is changed to [31.99, 23.01, 32.99, 31.03] and [32, 23, 33, 31].
Be original!     Plagiarised submissions, when detected, will be given failing marks!!