eit by arithmetic
Let us start with small values of t. We know that when t is small, we can write eit = 1 + it. 1/2048 = 0.00048828125 is small enough for our purpose. We successively square exp(i/2048) and make the following table:
eit = x + yi
ei/2048 = 1.00000000 + 0.00048828125 i
ei/1024 = 0.99999976 + 0.00097656250 i
ei/512 = 0.99999856 + 0.0019531245 i
ei/256 = 0.99999330 + 0.0039062433 i
ei/128 = 0.99997134 + 0.0078124344 i
ei/64 = 0.99988164 + 0.015624421 i
ei/32 = 0.99951917 + 0.031245143 i
ei/16 = 0.99806231 + 0.062460239 i
ei/8 = 0.99222709 + 0.12467842 i
ei/4 = 0.96896988 + 0.24741861 i
ei/2 = 0.87768665 + 0.47948237 i
ei = 0.54043051 + 0.84167055 i
e2i = -0.41634418 + 0.90972889 i
It is clear that somewhere between ei and e2i, we have the pure imaginary number i. It can be verified by multiplication that,
ei ei/2 ei/16 ei/128 ei/2048 = -0.0000043665471 + 1.0003725 i
This is the closest we can get to i with our table (due to the finite precision and accumulated round off errors). The exponent upon simplification gives 1.5708 which is the value of
p/2, correct to five significant digits. Thus, we have, exp(ip/2) = i.Since, we have eit = x + iy and e-it = x – iy, the amplitude of eit is unity for any t. Further, since x2 + y2 = 1, we could take x and y to be the sine and cosine of an angle, let us say
q. From the above arithmetic, it is apparent that q is same as t. In other words, eit = cos t + i sin t. (When t = p/2, it rightly gives i, and when t is small it approximates as 1 + it). Feynman called this formula the "jewel" (The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol 1, ch. 22.)