The Variation Principle


If  f  is a well behaved function satisfying the boundary conditions, then, the ground state energy E1 satisfies the inequality,



f may be expressed in terms of certain parameters which are varied so as to minimize the LHS of the above inequality. In general, f approaches the true wave function much more slowly than the variation integral approaches E1.


It is often convenient to express f as a linear combination and to vary the coefficients in the expansion to minimize the variational integral.



The solution of the above secular equation gives n possible values for the energies (w1….wn). It turns out that if, the true energies of the various states are ordered as E1 < E2 <..< En , and if w1 < w2 <….< wn, then,



The secular equation may be simplified by choosing the u’s in such a way that they form an orthonormal set (this makes the off-diagonal Sij zero) and by choosing them to be eigenfunctions of some operator(s) which commute(s) with the Hamiltonian (this makes some of the off-diagonal Hij to vanish)